End-to-end big data platform

End-to-end big data platform

Data Universe owns the intellectual property of an in-house developed big data platform that aims to democratize data analytics by enabling individuals with no Data Science background to build complex analytics. The platform also offers the ability to productize data analytics and shortens the data products lifecycle. Our platform is capable of handling large volumes of data with an easy to use graphical user interface (GUI)

Benefit of our end-to-end big data platform

  • User-friendly frontend with GUI​​
  • Powerful backend that works seamlessly with our frontend​​
  • Democratization of data science​
  • Easily productize and publish your data analyses​
  • Our platform is flexible and has the ability to scale​
  • Ability to handle large volumes of data​
  • Owned and developed by Data Universe​
  • Ability to customize the platform as per requirements​

Methods of deployment

We can deploy our platform on your cloud servers, or with a commercial cloud provider and offer user and identity management. With this option, you don’t have to worry about the overhead of running the servers on your premises. We offer seamless integration with your data sources so that you can access your data for analyses via the cloud. 

We also offer our platform deployment on your own servers inside your premises. We understand that some data might include sensitive information and must be maintained within your private network. This is why we have the option to deploy our end-to-end big data platform at your own servers.